My great-grandfather: Yan, Shiyong (颜世镛先生). The 77th-generation direct descendent of Yanzi (颜子), and the Sacrificial Official to Yanzi (复圣颜子奉祀官).
Photo credit: Confucius Fundation (至圣孔子基金会).
Photo was taken in 1930s. From left to right: Mr. Zeng, Fanshan, Sacrificial Official to Zengzi (宗圣曾子奉祀官 曾繁山先生); my great-grandfather Mr. Yan, Shiyong, the Sacrificial Official to Yanzi (复圣颜子奉祀官 颜世镛先生); Mr. Kung, Te-cheng , the Sacrificial Official to Confucius (至圣先师孔子奉祀官 孔德成先生); and Mr. Meng, Qingtang, the the Sacrificial Official to Mencius (亚圣孟子奉祀官 孟庆棠先生).
Photo was taken in 1930s (around 1935). Mr. Yan, Shiyong, Mr. Meng, Qingtang, and Mr. Zeng, Fanshan, at the garden in Confucius Mansion (孔府) .
Photo was taken in 1935: direct descendants of and sacrificial officials to Confucious, Yanzi, Zengzi, and Mencius with the justice and legislation officials.